Pegada Astrológica por ClaudiaVannini
Astrological Footprint by ClaudiaVannini
23 de Abril, 2016 - April, 23rd
YOD, A Mão de Deus - THE YOD - God´s Hand
Sábado com YOD desde as 12PM Brasil até 10PM Brasil. O ponto focal desse Yod está em Urano em Áries e a sustentação é a
Astrological Footprint by ClaudiaVannini
23 de Abril, 2016 - April, 23rd
YOD, A Mão de Deus - THE YOD - God´s Hand
Sábado com YOD desde as 12PM Brasil até 10PM Brasil. O ponto focal desse Yod está em Urano em Áries e a sustentação é a
#Lua em Escorpião e o Nodo em Virgem. A solicitação astral é transmutar energias através do poder feminino e seus compromissos no Planeta Terra. A mulher tem poder total nesse dia e pode criar novos caminhos na família, no grupo de amigos ou nas plataformas coletivas. Como o Nodo está envolvido e está em Virgem, tudo caminha para a busca do aperfeiçoamento. Uma nova maneira de fazer a revolução? Uma nova forma de lidar com os sentimentos? Um posicionamento em Terra sobre direitos e deveres? Todos esses temas estão envolvidos nesse Sábado e, muitas mulheres pelo mundo, farão sua pequena guerra. Algumas entre quatro paredes e outras em grandes palanques. Todas terão a força da Mão do Destino em suas ações.É um dia transformador. A melhor conduta para os homens é evitar o confronto.Signos em alta hoje #peixes #touro #virgem #escorpião
Seja feliz na Terra e espalhe felicidade
Astrological Footprint by Claudia Vannini
April, 23rd - THE YOD - God's Hand
Saturday with a YOD from 15PM GMT until 11PM GMT. The focal point of this Yod is Uranus in Aries and the support is the #Moon in Scorpio and the Node in Virgo. The astral request is transmuting energies through the female power and its commitments on Planet Earth. The woman has full power on this day and can create new paths in family, group of friends or in collective platforms. As the node is involved and is in Virgo, everything goes to the search for self improvement. A new way to make the revolution? A new way to deal with feelings? A position on rights and duties? All these issues are involved in this Saturday, and many women around the world, will fight your own little war. Some in the home and other in front of large publics. All have the Hand of Fate inflict force in their actions. It's a transformer day. The best approach for men is to avoid confrontation. Signs in a good mood today #pisces #taurus #virgo #Scorpio
Be happy on earth and spread happiness
NAMASTE _ / \ _
Astrological Footprint by Claudia Vannini
April, 23rd - THE YOD - God's Hand
Saturday with a YOD from 15PM GMT until 11PM GMT. The focal point of this Yod is Uranus in Aries and the support is the #Moon in Scorpio and the Node in Virgo. The astral request is transmuting energies through the female power and its commitments on Planet Earth. The woman has full power on this day and can create new paths in family, group of friends or in collective platforms. As the node is involved and is in Virgo, everything goes to the search for self improvement. A new way to make the revolution? A new way to deal with feelings? A position on rights and duties? All these issues are involved in this Saturday, and many women around the world, will fight your own little war. Some in the home and other in front of large publics. All have the Hand of Fate inflict force in their actions. It's a transformer day. The best approach for men is to avoid confrontation. Signs in a good mood today #pisces #taurus #virgo #Scorpio
Be happy on earth and spread happiness
NAMASTE _ / \ _
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