07th of Nov, 2016 and the WEEK by @ClaudiaVannini

Astrological footprint by ClaudiaVannini - 07th of Nov, 2016 and the WEEK
#MONDAY With Sun and Pluto activated at to 8h24AM GMT. Full power to carry your life, your projects, your power and out down your feet on the Planet. I came, I saw and I conquered. It is the theme of the day. Move around and see how everything happens. Heaven favors serious decisions and signing contracts. Stocks have unpredictable values ​​this week. All signs in a good moment.
#TUESDAY, 08th with Moon in Aquarius and Saturn free in heaven. Surprises at dawn with Uranus and Moon communicating. Will a scandal be revealed in the early hours of the 08th? Anything can happen, it is a day of the American election with a likely victory for Trump. Trump comes with Pluto and Uranus in karmic Leo. A chance to retrace his history of wars and destruction from other lifetimes. A Gemini communicator with Ascendant in Leo. He is a leader. A Day when we can see the beginning of Clinton's impediment if elected. A psychic woman with Saturn, Mars and Pluto in Leo and advantages in public office, but affected by the Moon in Pisces that opens the door to spiritual imbalances. Open mediumship by the Sun and Ascendant in Scorpio. Let us wait because we have on one side a Warrior, and the other, a Priestess. Destiny will tell us who we deserve to learn what we have to learn on this planet. ClaudiaVannini is apolitical.
#WEDNESDAY, 09th, Mars enters Aquarius and the Moon in Pisces. Until December 19th, there is activation of social life and interest in humanitarian causes. The third sector is benefited. Good surprises in technology.
#THURSDAY, 10th, tensions with Uranus and the Sun. Avoid overloading your schedule and avoid crowded places. There is a tendency to social upheaval. Alert of violence between  10PM GMT on November 10th and 11AM GMT on 11th November.
#FRIDAY, 11th, great benefits to Saturn and legal issues. Lawyers, judges and prosecutors live great moments and the evening is especially important in this sector. Prepare to work longer. There are strong demands on deadlines, projects and responsibilities assumed. Leave everything in order.
